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Landlord Gas Safety Certificates

To ensure your tenants’ safety, all gas appliances and flues need to undergo an annual gas safety check - and always by a Gas Safe registered engineer. Once this has been done, you’ll be given a Landlord Gas Safety Record or Gas Safety certificate with details of all the checks that were carried out. It can also be referred to as a CP12 certificate.

You can arrange for a gas safety check to be carried out any time from 10-12 months after the last check, without affecting the original check expiry date. If it’s less than 10 or more than 12 months after the last check, you’ll end up with a new deadline date - 12 months from the most recent check.

Appliances owned by your tenants aren’t your responsibility - although it’s still up to you to ensure the safety of any connecting flues, unless they’re solely connected to the tenants’ appliance.

Source - Gas Safe

Legionella Risk Assessments

Landlords in Scotland must ensure a risk assessment has been carried out to determine the level of risk if any of water in the rental property becoming contaminated with Legionella.

Most rented properties will be low risk, but it is a requirement for landlords to ensure that the risk of exposure to tenants and visitors by Legionella is properly assessed and controlled. This is a legal obligation and is enforced by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE).

Source - HSE Website

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Private landlords in Scotland are required by law to ensure that a rented house meets the repairing standard at the start of a tenancy and throughout a tenancy. One part of the repairing standard is that the house has satisfactory provision for giving warning if CO gas is present in a concentration that is hazardous to health. From 1 February 2022 an amendment to the statutory tolerable standard comes into force undersection 86 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 1987, which will require that all houses, regardless of tenure, must have satisfactory provision for giving warning if CO is present in a concentration that is hazardous to health.

Source - Gov Website

Fire & Smoke Alarms: Changes to the Law

The law on fire alarms is changing from February 2022 which means all Scottish homes will need to have interlinked alarms. Guidance for homeowners on what you need to know.

What each home needs:
By February 2022, every home must have:

  • one smoke alarm in the living room or the room you use most
  • one smoke alarm in every hallway or landing
  • one heat alarm in the kitchen

All smoke and heat alarms should be mounted on the ceiling and be interlinked. If you have a carbon-fuelled appliance–like a boiler, fire, heater, or flue–in any room, you must also have a carbon monoxide detector in that room, but this does not need to be linked to the fire alarms.

Source - Gov Website